Two Factor Authentication is essential in todays online world.
Before the internet existed, physical security was the main prevention to any hacker. They would have to physically gain access to a computer, sit in front of the screen and keyboard, after breaking in to building. In todays world of online accounts of Office 365, Twitter, Facebook, Gmail, etc that first line of defence no longer exists. Anyone, anywhere can get to the login screen for any online account, if they have access to the internet.
The next line of defence is the credentials that users use to log in / sign in to their online accounts.
Secure Passwords arn’t easy
Users want a nice, quick, easy to remember password, that doesn’t take ages to type in. Hackers like nice, quick, easy to remember passwords, because their easy to guess. Once a hacker has found a password that works, they will try the same credentials other websites.
Good passwords aren’t easy to remember or type in. They need to be at least 8 characters long, including numbers, uppercase characters and symbols. Because of these requirements, people tend to choose password that aren’t as secure as they should be. This is where 2 factor authentication steps in to provide another obstacle to hackers getting access to accounts they shouldn’t have.